From childhood to adulthood, sweets have a special place in our hearts. They bring joy, comfort, and sometimes, a much-needed energy boost. But how much do you really know about your favourite treats? Here are some fun and surprising facts about sweets that will make you appreciate them even more.
1. The World’s Largest Lollipop
The world’s largest lollipop was created by See’s Candies in the USA in 2012. It was chocolate-flavoured and weighed a whopping 3175.2 kg! Can you imagine the number of Pick n Mix bags you could fill with that?
2. Sweets in Space
Did you know that sweets have been to space? Astronauts have taken various sweets, including jelly beans and M&Ms, on space missions for a quick energy boost.
3. The Origins of Jelly Babies
Jelly Babies, a classic British sweet, were first introduced during World War I and were originally called “Peace Babies” to mark the end of the war. Now, they’re a beloved part of any Pick n Mix selection.
4. Chewing Gum and Cognitive Function
Studies have found that chewing gum can improve cognitive functions such as memory and attention. So, the next time you’re working or studying, you might want to have a piece of gum at hand!
5. The Lifespan of a Gummy Bear
Under the right storage conditions, a gummy bear can last for up to a year. That’s longer than some types of canned food!
6. Sugar-Free Sweets
Sugar-free doesn’t mean taste-free. Modern food technology has made it possible to create sugar-free sweets that taste just as good as their sugary counterparts. At Love Sweets Online, we believe everyone should be able to enjoy sweets, which is why we offer a range of sugar-free options.
The fizz in fizzy sweets like cola bottles is created by adding an acid and a base (like citric acid and sodium bicarbonate) to the mix. When these sweets hit your tongue, the acid and base react with water to create a fizzing sensation!
Sweets are more than just tasty treats. They have a fascinating history, some surprising science behind them, and some truly remarkable world records. So, the next time you enjoy your favourite sweets, remember, there’s more to them than meets the eye!
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